Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cinnamon Pear Coffeecake

Right now as I sit here, I am in shock. A good shock.

My daughter is notorious for waking up at the crack of dawn. Which in my opinion, is 5 am. No matter how late she is up the night before- come 5 am on. the. dot. she is up and ready to go.

Now, I am definitely a morning person. Just not a before the sun is up kind of morning person.

Last night we were out and didn't get back til 8:45, and little miss didn't go to bed until 9 pm. Naturally, I was planning on her schedule being a little different tomorrow, and her being extra grumpy today. So when I woke up at 6, and still no baby was awake, I decided to get a head start on my day! It is now 6:50.

Is it bad to say that I'm really digging this alone time with my laptop and coffee?!

Happy Valentines day to me.

I made this cinnamon pear coffeecake a few days ago for the second time, and it's safe to say, this is one of our favorites. Even the little miss loves it. And I would love to tell you that it's 'healthier' because It has no butter and oil in it....which is mostly true....but I made up for that by adding a healthy dose of cinnamon chips and streusel topping. Bite me.

I know that If someone made this for me for valentines day, I would love them a lot more than I hopefully already do.

Cinnamon Pear Coffeecake
Adapted from yummy mummy kitchen
Pre-heat oven to 400

1 1/2 cups AP flour
2 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg
1/2 cup almond milk (cow's milk works too)
1/4ish cup applesauce
1/2 cup cinnamon chips
2 Pears, peeled and sliced

Combine dry ingredients.
In separate bowl, beat the egg then add milk and applesauce.
Add wet ingredients to the dry and add in cinnamon chips.
Stir just until combined.
Pour into a greased 8x8 pan, or a 8" round pan.
Arrange pear slices on top in a single layer. Pears overlapping is okay.

Streusel Topping:
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
2 Tbsp. Butter
1 tsp. cinnamon

Combine all ingredients, and with either a fork and knife, or pastry cutter, cut in the butter until it resembles small peas.
Sprinkle over pears.
Bake for 25-35 minutes, until knife comes out of the center mostly clean. ( You don't want a dry coffeecake!)

We enjoy it hot out of the oven!

I hope you make this and love it. And obviously if you don't like pears, apples work just the same! Have fun, I tell you!

Baby just woke up. Quite alone time = over.
Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Looks good and the writing made me laugh a couple times!

  2. You never told me about this yumminess........kept it all to yourself. Hmmmm.
